
Dental Training Blog

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

How To Do A Dental Gap Analysis

A dental gap analysis is a part of dental goal setting where you look at your practice and personal life and see where there are shortcomings or “gaps.” The first questions you want to consider is: what are the biggest constraints facing your business? This could be...

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

A Quick Primer on Dental Goal Setting

Goal setting is the master skill in dental management. Goal setting forces you to develop long-term perspective, which is the ability to see how all your efforts and interactions affect you and your practice several years down the road. The first key in dental goal...

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

Business Email Etiquette

Business email etiquette is essential in today's fast paced computer age. A great deal of communication, whether it be between an employee and a client, or employee-to-employee, is done via email. It is an effective way to have a conversation without having to take...

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

A Quick Primer On Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing is huge in the field of dentistry! Period. Exclamation point! In order to stand out of the marketing clutter, you have to innovate and not do what everyone else does. I discuss this great length in my free e-Book, All-Star Dental...

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

Social Media: Real or a Fad?

Social media is the new craze, so is it for real, or is it a fad? Check out PODCAST: Social Media for Dentists. It is "media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques."  Wikipedia. It is broad....

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

Six Steps To Creating That Winning Feeling

Think back to a moment when you exceeded your expectations. Was it a game winning hit, an A on a test, an unexpected relationship, a raise or job promotion, or any accomplishment in life you value? How did it feel? I'm sure it felt great! This is what we call that...

The Last Lecture: Dr. Randy Pausch

This is a phenomenal lecture by Dr. Randy Pausch, a Carnegie-Mellon University professor who gave his Last Lecture with only a couple of months to live. Here is the short version on the Oprah Show: Here is the link to the...

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

Your Heart’s Desire

The most secret, sacred wish that lies deep down at the bottom of your heart, the wonderful thing that you hardly dare to look at, or to think about —the thing that you would rather die than have anyone else know of, because it seems to be so far beyond anything that...

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

Find Your Calling, And Then Learn Your Craft

During a networking event I attended, I encountered a gentleman who offered a very insightful piece of advice.  He said... "Find your calling, and then learn your craft." This means that one should move forward in pursuing what they love and what they were meant...

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

Focus On Your Unfair Advantage

"The secret of business, especially these days, is to focus relentlessly on your unfair advantage - the thing you do that others don't." -- John Rollwagen, executive This "unfair advantage" is another term for "competitive advantage." A competitive advantage is...

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

Characteristics of a Rainmaker!

The Rainmaker was heralded by American Indians as having magical powers to bring the rain to nourish the crops in order to feed the people.  If there was no rain, the people would weaken, die, or move elsewhere. In the business or legal context, a rainmaker is...

Blog, All-Star Dental Academy

Create Your Fortress of Solitude

The Fortress of Solitude is where Superman learned about all the knowledge of Krypton (his highly advanced home planet that was destroyed when its sun exploded). In addition to Superman's quickening as a young adult, Superman would visit the Fortress of Solitude from...

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2. Banish broken appointments

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