
Culture: Fail it or Nail it?

Motivational Moments with Eric Vickery: Maintain dental team culture with weekly reviews, honest self-assessments, celebrating successes for growth, and MORE.


About Eric Vickery

Eric holds a degree in business administration and brings a strong business and systems approach to his consulting. His initiation into the field of dentistry was in the area of office management. He managed dental practices for over ten years and has been consulting over 250 offices nationwide since 2001.

Episode Transcript

Transcript performed by A.I. Please excuse the typos.


This is Dental All-Stars, where we bring you the best in dentistry on marketing, management, and training. Hello friends, welcome to your weekly Motivational Moments with Eric Vickery, President of Coaching at All-Star Dental Academy. This is our second part of a two-part series on culture. This week, we’re gonna talk about maintaining team culture. And my phrase for this is fail it or nail it. So now that you’ve created your culture,



It’s imperative, let’s say you created eight culture commandments that you wanna follow, that you wanna live by. Well, four weeks, you’re repeating through those. So at the beginning of every week, read two of your culture commandments every week, if you’ve got eight of them. If you have four of them, read one a week. And what you’re gonna do is every week, as you look at those culture commandments that you created, you’re gonna say, where did we fail it? Where did we nail it? You’re gonna look at it and say teamwork. All right, last week, where did we fail it?



How can we fail forward? How can we improve? Where do we fail in that culture commandment that we wanna live by? And you have to be honest with yourself. Now again, you gotta be really careful here because you’re not gonna blame someone. Oh, well Alex was late last week. That’s where we failed teamwork. You’re not gonna do that. So you might say, we failed last week because all of us weren’t here every single day early as a team. Where did we nail it?



I tell you what, on the end of the week, on Thursday, we were all here early, we were all prepared, and we nailed it, I think that showed with the patient. So you fail it, you nail it. You’re not perfect, so you’re always gonna be working on something, and that’s okay. You’re gonna do this once a month for that culture commandment or two. Every week you go back through this. So I love the fail it or nail it system. Be sure to follow that. And you gotta give each other permission to be coached. Now here’s what I would put an asterisk on. If you’re the type of person,



who when you hear something and you feel like, wow, they’re pointing out where I failed last week and that hurts or affects you in a certain way, we’ve got work to do. And I’ll be the first to say that I used to be that way, that I was like, wow, somebody’s pointing out that I didn’t show up on time. And they didn’t say my name, they didn’t throw me on the bus, but they said as a team, we weren’t all here all the time. And I took that personally. If you’re taking something personally, I want you to do something. Ask yourself, is it true?



is what’s being said true. Is it being said true because they care about you and they wanna create accountability? Then now I gotta go in and I gotta work on me. Self-management. I have to have a growth mindset. I’m always gonna improve, even when I fail. I’m gonna fail forward, I’m gonna celebrate my mistakes, I’m gonna celebrate my challenges. And know this, you are always, speaking of culture, you’re always going to become most like the five closest people to you in your life. So this team that you’re around all the time, you’re gonna become



most like them. So let’s live by these culture standards that we have. And I want you to remember that if you’re gonna help maintain this culture, you’re also gonna have to dangle some sort of carrot to do this. What’s your personal reward when you do show up on time now that you’ve been doing that? And that means team members go back and watch appreciation languages in the workplace and how do you appreciate someone when they’re all on board? That’s the where did we nail it. At your morning huddle.



You’re reminding each other of where your wins were yesterday. We all showed up early. We got here all before huddle started. That’s what we want. That’s teamwork, whatever it might be. Maybe it’s bragging on someone. I love that Shelley at the end of the day asked me yesterday, at the end of the week, last week, she said, what do you need from me before I leave? I see you’re here still working on something. How can I help you? And that was great teamwork. I didn’t need anything, but it really felt good to know that she cared about that. Okay. Those are the things that I want you to remember.



Now here’s what I’ll close with. To be willing, if you really wanna be in the top 5% of dental practices in the country, if you really wanna be a world-class team, then in that top 5%, then you gotta be willing to do what the other 95% aren’t doing. And this is one of those things that we see time and time again, where you put the effort into maintaining your culture, you will see a drastic difference in your results and your practice.



So I hope you guys will do this. I hope you’ll really put some effort in this in maintaining your team culture. Be on purpose about it, not on accident. Weekly review two cultures and daily celebrate your wins from the day before at your morning huddle. This will help you maintain that culture you’re seeking. We have amazing events coming up. Make sure you reach out to alls backslash events so you know where we’re teaching these sorts of things. We’re out there working on this.



We have a leadership event in January in Florida. We have room for 25 to 30 leaders in the room. So make sure that if you want training on this, you wanna grow in that area that you reach out, reach out to us and let us know. All right guys, make it a great week.



We hope you enjoyed this episode of Dental All-Stars. Visit us online at allstardentalacademy.com

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