
It can be tiring relying only on insurance patients or price sensitive shoppers. Fee for service patients tend to be more profitable but very discriminating and demanding.

In this study club, we explored how to get more fee-for-service patients.

Heather Nottingham provides a new patient process for fee for service clients and tips on FFS service. Then, Larry outlines how to get more FFS clients and answers live questions from All-Star students, such as:

Can I do FFS and insurance?
What about financial arrangements?
Can I market discounts or not?
What about third party financing?
How do I transition to FFS only?
How to work price over the phone?
And more…

We have chosen two short audio clips from the one hour, information-packed study club.

Take a listen to our first clip where Heather talks about creating the fee-for-service mindset and getting more high end patients into your office. She draws from her experience in Bloomingdale’s and interaction with the Ritz Carlton.

Heather describes 5 steps in getting more fee-for-service clients:

  1. Having a fee-for-service mindset
  2. Really connect and build rapport with your patients
  3. Share the SizzleTM
  4. Show the value
  5. Go above and beyond

In our second clip, Larry Guzzardo answers the question, How do I transition to FFS only? As a bonus, we hear from Heather addressing the Price Question to Avoid Sticker Shock.

To help you follow along, you can download a sample of the transcript & supplemental material, by clicking here.

Fee for Service, All-Star Dental Academy

To listen to the entire study club and gain access to the complete transcript, contact us to learn more about joining All-Star Dental Academy. If you are currently an All-Star student, log into your student learning center, and click this link for the entire program.

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"The five-star reviews are rolling in and the phones are ringing off the hook!" - Dr. Jennifer Wayer

1. Get QUALITY patients without selling

2. Banish broken appointments

3. Reduce turnover by 25%

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