
The 7 Reasons To Utilize Consultants

There are countless reasons to retain a consultant.  Here are the top 7:

1. Objectivity. Often, employers and employees get bogged down in the day-to-day operations of their business. Emotions and power struggles naturally occur, which lead to biased decision-making based upon favoritism or fear. Another problem is groupthink. Groupthink is a type of thought exhibited by group members who try to minimize conflict and reach consensus without critical testing, analyzing, and evaluating ideas. Since a consultant brings an outside perspective, this allows for critical thinking and effective alternatives.

2. Energy. Work can sap group enthusiasm. Fresh ideas, creative suggestions, and effective facilitation, can recharge negative psychic momentum. Consultants can temporarily or regularly supplement groups with jolts of renewed vigor and spirit.

3. Specialized Skills. No individual, or for that matter consultant, is created equal. Each person has certain unique gifts and competencies. Therefore, one should seek a consultant that has those attributes, which the client is deficient in. Consultants bring to the table, as it were, specialized skill sets, but also general skills outlined by this writing. As the mastermind principle will demonstrate, clients will be able to take advantage of the skills of their consultants as if they were their own.

4. The Mastermind. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, defines the mastermind as: “The coordination of knowledge and effort two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.” Mr. Hill continued: “No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be liking to a third mind.” A consultant’s task is to facilitate the mastermind through bringing together his or her specialized skill sets and merging them with the client and the client’s organization. The mastermind relates to principles of synergy and collaboration, which allow for the improved ability to solve more complex issues.

5. Efficiency. Doing the same thing repeatedly, and expecting a different result is one definition of insanity. In other words, it would be counterproductive to engage in an activity where another is much more efficient. A consultant with specialized skills and the ability to utilize the skills of others, increases the efficiency of an organization.

6. Save Money. Consultants are not full-time employees; otherwise, they would not be consultants. Consultants are usually employed on a temporary or part-time status. Therefore, one can take advantage of a consultant’s objectivity, energy, and specialized skills without having to pay a full-time salary.

7. Representation. An individual or organization may have fears about a particular encounter or feel that they would be better served if a third party provided a veil between them and another. Consultants can carry out instructions with objectivity and confidentiality. The “dirty work,” such as disciplining or terminating an employee, can also be handled by a consultant in order to protect a client’s interest and sanity.

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