
Purposefully Aligned

Alex Nottingham JD MBA discusses the concept of “purpose energy” (or spiritual energy), which is the fourth type of energy after physical, emotional, and mental energy. Purpose energy is rooted in your “why,” motivating perseverance and fueling passion beyond self-interest.


About Alex Nottingham JD MBA

Alex is the CEO and Founder of All-Star Dental Academy®. He is a former Tony Robbins top coach and consultant, having worked with companies upwards of $100 million. His passion is to help others create personal wealth and make a positive impact on the people around them. Alex received his Juris Doctor (JD) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Florida International University.

Episode Transcript

Transcript performed by A.I. Please excuse the typos.


This is Dental All-Stars, where we bring you the best in dentistry on marketing, management, and training. Hey, everyone. Alex Nottingham here, and we are talking about the powerful engagement. And this is our last episode. We talked about physical energy, talked about emotional energy, mental energy, and now we’re talking about purpose energy or spiritual energy. This is your why to what you do. What is purpose energy? This is your purpose.



beyond self-interest. This fuels your passion. It helps create perseverance and motivation. It will kind of stimulate words like character, courage, conviction. This can actually, your purpose or spiritual energy can override severe limitations of physical energy. So if you feel down, you just don’t have the energy, the physical energy, sometimes



purpose can perk you up and move. I love this quote from Viktor Frankl. He was a gentleman that escaped Nazi Germany, the Holocaust, and he wrote this line, those who have a why to live can bear with almost any how. He’s a psychologist and came up with this concept or this theory called logotherapy, which is this whole idea that when you focus on your why, that helps you heal.



and grow. Here’s a great exercise that you can do every morning called Tony Robbins Morning Questions, and I did an entire episode just on this. You can ask yourself in the morning, what am I grateful for? What am I excited about? What am I committed to? What am I happy about with my life right now? What am I proud of? And what am I enjoying? So give it a try. The six morning questions.



Begin with the end in mind. This is the second habit from the great book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Ask yourself, what would you like written on your tombstone? What would you like to be remembered for? What is your legacy? Is it, I made a ton of money? Or, I was a good father, good sister, I made a difference in the world. What do you wanna be known for? Who do you admire? List these three qualities. Who would you like to become?



and be known for. And I put this list up, it’s kind of small depending if you can see it or not, but I’ll just highlight a few. But pick something, pick some core values you may have. Balance, creativity, excellence, faith, family, freedom, happiness, health, honesty, integrity, kindness, loyalty, service to others. These are some things that say, this is what I can rally behind, this is what I stand for, this is what I can be known for, and work towards those. Cultivate.



All these energy sectors you can cultivate through practice. So let’s review the four energy circuits, these four pillars. We have physical energy. These are the four gifts we talked about. Sleep, diet, hydration, exercise. We talked about emotional energy, self-regulation, self-compassion, mental energy, time management, self-talk, visualization, and then purpose or spiritual energy. Your meaning.



your values, your legacy, rituals. In the beginning, I highlighted the importance of rituals. This is our shortcut. This is how we make things automatic, how we make energy automatic, is rituals. Here’s some examples of rituals. You’re brushing your teeth. That’s a ritual. You’re exercising three times per week at a specific time, ritual. You take a break every 90 minutes at work, ritual. Meals every three hours.



Stick to it, ritual. Leave office at 5.30 to come home daily, ritual. Meditate before breakfast, daily, ritual. Ritual is a hack. If you do it long enough, then it becomes a habit or ritual. And you could stack some of these as well. Habit stacking. I did videos on habit stacking, on consistency over intensity. These are different mechanisms or habits



that relate to rituals. So think a really defined habit can become a ritual. Here’s some of my rituals, and I like you, write them down, put them in the comments. What are your rituals? How do you build your purpose, energy, and all these energies, physical, emotional, mental, how do you make them into rituals? For me, it’s tennis, three times a week. Well, that’s a lot now, I toned it down, maybe a couple times a week. Weight training, I have three meals a day, three snacks, small.



Emotional energy, about two to three p.m. is my nap time, that’s my time to recharge. I bring a lot of energy, so I get tired quickly, so I take a nap, a siesta. I do a meditation every morning. Those are the emotional energy. And you have mental energy, scheduling blocks I do. Certain times that I work, I do evening walks. My dog likes to come along. When it comes to spiritual or purpose energy, I work with a life coach.



to make sure that I am addressing that purpose or spiritual need. I have projects to give back, to make a difference in the world. Not just making money, money’s important, but also what do I leave behind? I’m gonna give you a link here. You can go to alls backslash energy quiz. If you go to that link, it’s gonna forward you to a quiz that you can assess your, the four pillars. How you’re doing on physical.



emotional, mental, spiritual or purpose energy. And you can take some time to time and see where you need to improve on. Imagine a life full of energy, physical energy, emotional energy, mental energy, spiritual or purpose energy. Energy is the currency of life. You get more of it, imagine. And I wanna leave you with this affirmation. And actually, you know what? We’re gonna end on this.



Before I do this in the comments, go ahead and let me know, as I mentioned before, your rituals, let me know, whatever you like to add on this whole subject. Love to hear about it. Follow us, subscribe, like, share with your friends. And we’re going to end with this affirmation or incantation. It’s conscious language, if you will. And I am is very powerful way to affirm it. So repeat after me. I am energized physically.



I am connected emotionally. I am focused mentally. And I am aligned with my purpose. Thanks again and until next time, go out there and be an Austin.



We hope you enjoyed this episode of Dental All-Stars. Visit us online at allstardentalacademy.com


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