
One on One Meetings

Motivational Moments with Eric Vickery: Emphasizes the importance of one-on-one meetings in fostering strong relationships, leadership, team accountability, and maintaining company culture.


About Eric Vickery

Eric holds a degree in business administration and brings a strong business and systems approach to his consulting. His initiation into the field of dentistry was in the area of office management. He managed dental practices for over ten years and has been consulting over 250 offices nationwide since 2001.

Episode Transcript

Transcript performed by A.I. Please excuse the typos.


Hello friends, welcome to your weekly motivational moments with Eric Vickery, president of coaching at All -Star Dental Academy. This week, we’re talking about one -on -ones. One -on -one meetings, what are they and why do we have them? And this goes back decades at the importance of maintaining strong relationship, maintaining leadership, maintaining team follow through or accountability, however you want to say it, and maintaining your culture.


So Gallup has performed a lot of studies. You guys hear this all the time, Gallup study. I love Gallup. It’s what we use for our Strength Finder training for our team members in our level two mastery event. And Gallup did a study about the annual review. And one of the things I talk about in this book, it’s called Moving From Boss to Leader, Being the Coach of Your Business. The book talks about how the annual,


review is dead. They did a study and found that most employees don’t understand the concept of what an annual review actually is for. Most of them thought an annual review is where I get a raise. And I get that, that part probably still exists. But what most business owners thought the annual review was for was totally different. They believe that the annual review was to give feedback, to help you improve on who you’re being and how you’re performing in their business. Well,


It doesn’t make any sense for me to sit down with someone at an annual review and it’s, you know, May, end of May. And I want to talk to them about something that happened last October and how they could improve in that. It doesn’t, doesn’t make any sense because that team member can’t even remember what that is. And they don’t know how to really connect the dots, which is totally fair. I don’t think anybody could. So the second part of this is there was a book by Ken Blanchard called the one minute manager.


been around again for decades. The concept still applies here and it really overlaps what Gallup is talking about. What we want are instead of one minute a day, we want 15 minutes a month where our doctors leaders are meeting one -on -one with each team member for 15 minutes a month. Now what we found is the last part of this is the team members now will stay longer. This is the relationship that we’re creating. They’re actually called stay interviews by our director of hiring Robin Reese.



So the stay interview is so important. This is a one -on -one meeting. Once a month, doctor, leader, and the team member. Now, what are we doing there? Well, we’re maintaining relationship. We’re getting feedback as a leader. And we’re also providing accountability opportunity to growth, the growth mindset, and the training we just had our meeting on. So I would sit down with my team member and I would connect relationally. I would ask, how can I be a better leader for you?


And then I would also offer accountability coaching through how questions. So as a leader, I would say, how can I be a better leader for you? How can I support you in your growth? What do you need from me? Hear from your team members, be transparent, be vulnerable, be willing to improve and grow yourself. How can you expect them to be willing to do that if you aren’t yourself? Third part of the relationship, you’re willing to grow. Third part is now, how can I support you in your growth?


How can I help you develop in your area? How can you create accountability? And as a team member, I want this. Accountability is not a negative thing. I am grateful that I have someone who’s willing to pour into me and create accountability. I can also connect with my leader. This creates influence and the desire to have a leadership and follower relationship. I think that’s important. I want to work for you. I want to stay here. I don’t want to leave. I have a connection that you’re fully aware of and in tune with. Now,


We have about a seven point outline for your one -on -one each month. We’d be happy to email that to you. Send a request to Heather at allstardentalacademy .com requesting the one -on -one agenda for doctor and team member. We’d be happy to send it out to you. The key part here is schedule the meetings. 15 minutes every month with each team member throughout. So if you have a very large team, you might need to do it every other month. That’s okay too, but it’s imperative that this is a part of your team training system.


You’re creating accountability, relationship, and influencing and leadership. All right, guys, make sure these are on the schedule. Go get them done and have a wonderful week. Take care.


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