Category: Management

The Egg Approach to Dental Time Management

The Egg Approach to Dental Time Management

The egg is probably the most efficient protein source there is. The egg is also one of the most productive dental time management tools there is. “Huh,” you may say. I’m not referring to a real egg. I’m referring to an egg timer. For those who do not know what an egg...

How To Do A Dental Gap Analysis

How To Do A Dental Gap Analysis

A dental gap analysis is a part of dental goal setting where you look at your practice and personal life and see where there are shortcomings or “gaps.” The first questions you want to consider is: what are the biggest constraints facing your business? This could be...

A Quick Primer on Dental Goal Setting

A Quick Primer on Dental Goal Setting

Goal setting is the master skill in dental management. Goal setting forces you to develop long-term perspective, which is the ability to see how all your efforts and interactions affect you and your practice several years down the road. The first key in dental goal...

Find Your Calling, And Then Learn Your Craft

Find Your Calling, And Then Learn Your Craft

During a networking event I attended, I encountered a gentleman who offered a very insightful piece of advice.  He said... "Find your calling, and then learn your craft." This means that one should move forward in pursuing what they love and what they were meant...

An Email Trick That Will Clear Your Mind

An Email Trick That Will Clear Your Mind

Probably the single most cluttered thing we have now is our email box. The amount of mail that can accumulate in our Inbox can easily accumulated to over 1,000 and that does not include spam! The physical clutter is just part of it. Trying to find a particular email...

The 7 Reasons To Utilize Consultants

The 7 Reasons To Utilize Consultants

There are countless reasons to retain a consultant.  Here are the top 7: 1. Objectivity. Often, employers and employees get bogged down in the day-to-day operations of their business. Emotions and power struggles naturally occur, which lead to biased decision-making...

Pareto’s 80/20 Rule for Breakthrough Results

Pareto’s 80/20 Rule for Breakthrough Results

It is fairly obvious that some marketing activities produce more than others.  Some of your staff or sales members produce much more than others. Don't you wish you could emulate certain activities or people?  Well, you can!  It takes four steps: (1)...

Limited Time: FREE eBook

"The five-star reviews are rolling in and the phones are ringing off the hook!" - Dr. Jennifer Wayer

1. Get QUALITY patients without selling

2. Banish broken appointments

3. Reduce turnover by 25%

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