Category: Leadership

What to do AFTER a difficult conversation at work

What to do AFTER a difficult conversation at work

I recently read an article in the Harvard Business Review about team dynamics, and I wanted to share the important points with you. It’s common to experience difficult conversations at work, whether they are with associates, clients, or your team. They are difficult...

Team Building through Meetings

Team Building through Meetings

A recent article in the Harvard Business Review explored how to make meetings more effective. As an industry where most days start off with a quick meeting to review the day ahead, it seems like the ideas covered in the article are important for dentists to review....

Being a Better Boss

A survey by the ADA states that human resource issues are the number one stressor for a dentist. But have you (the dentist) ever considered that YOU might be contributing to problems with your team? That you need to be a...

Dental Workshops: Turn Meeting Frown Upside Down

Dental Workshops: Turn Meeting Frown Upside Down

As we discussed in Why Dental Meetings Suck, there are lots of reasons why dental meetings are not productive. The perfect solution are dental workshops. What the “heck” are dental workshops? I’m glad you asked. Dental workshops are a very focused type of meeting that...

Choose Your Partner Wisely

Choose Your Partner Wisely

Choosing the wrong business partner can cost you your business! Really. You can go bankrupt from it or at the very least become an emotional wreck. Consider these 10 questions posted by DentistryIQ: Is it a good idea financially? Why are you doing it? Can you share...

Limited Time: FREE eBook

"The five-star reviews are rolling in and the phones are ringing off the hook!" - Dr. Jennifer Wayer

1. Get QUALITY patients without selling

2. Banish broken appointments

3. Reduce turnover by 25%

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