Dr. Sandra Martin, All-Star Dental Academy

Grew Collections $150,000

Sandra Martin, D.M.D.

Wake Forest, North Carolina

“The training material is high-quality. Working with a coach gives us accountability. The personal attention specific to my practice took us to the next level. Our case acceptance has gone up. Our production went up $150,000 since starting coaching.”

Dr. Martin sought to improve customer service at her office and provide patients with a consistently warm and friendly experience. She needed help teaching phone skills and wanted her entire team cross-trained and consistent. She was worried about competition from corporate dentistry and the new corporate practices opening near her. She was looking for a solution where she did not have to lose production by closing the office to go to a seminar.
Online Training & Mastery Coaching
  • Dr. Martin liked the All-Star online training and the fact it is presented in bite-sized units, ie. “manageable amounts of time.”
  • She appreciated the affordability and found the training material to be high-quality.
  • She found that accountability for herself and her team was extremely important, so she began working with an All-Star coach.
  • Working with a coach helped her implement the training program and increase new patient conversion on the phone.
  • She also saw improvements in the way she presented treatment options to her patients.
  • She was able to transition to scheduling 80% of her production in the morning, so her afternoons became more profitable.
  • She found herself being more effective and efficient in her day-to-day operations.
  • She felt inspired after working with her coach.
  • The financial benefits realized from coaching more than paid for the investment in just three months.
  • Her collections went up $150,000 since beginning coaching.
  • The doctor liked that the training is ethical and opposes high-pressure sales tactics.
  • She found establishing goals to be very helpful.
“I really liked the fact that you could go at your own pace. And having it online helped with affordability as far as having not to close the office and go to a seminar. The training material is high-quality.”

“Working with a coach gives us the accountability and helps with implementing what we learned in the program, and now that we’ve implemented it, our new patient appointments are higher.”

“I need that accountability and the coach inspires you, which helped me a lot.

Our case acceptance has gone up!”

“Without the coach, I know we wouldn’t be where we’re at because it’s adding the personal attention specific to my practice that took us to the next level.”

I would say you’re going to reap the benefits in the first three months of investment, you’re not going to lose.”

Our collection production went up $150,000 since starting coaching.”


Limited Time: FREE eBook

"The five-star reviews are rolling in and the phones are ringing off the hook!" - Dr. Jennifer Wayer

1. Get QUALITY patients without selling

2. Banish broken appointments

3. Reduce turnover by 25%

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